Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear America Hear My Sorrow: The Diary of Angela Denoto, a Shirtwaist Worker

Dear America Hear My Sorrow: The Diary of Angela Denoto, a Shirtwaist Worker
By: Deborah Hopkinson
Published by: Scholastic Inc.
Diary, Historical Fiction
Angela Denoto immigrated to the United States four years ago, when she was ten from Italy. Her family moved here because, believe it or not, life was better here with more work and even running water! In the beginning of the story, Angela is still attending school, but soon has to inform her teacher that she must leave to work and help her family. Of course her teacher is disappointed, but gives Angela this diary to write in and practice her English.
Angela gets a job in a shirtwaist factory sewing the clothes. Of course, working conditions weren't great during this time period, but Angela soon finds herself involved in the labor strikes of this time. She meets a friend Sarah who also works in the factory, and they work on the strikes together. Angelas sister is not happy that she is involved in this and won't talk to her. Her parents urge her to be careful. Along with the strikes, Angela's sister passes away during the winter, and later in the story, her sister is involved in the famous Trianlge Shirtwaist Factory fire.
Reading Level:
     Grade Level Equivalent: 4.4
     Lexile Level: 740L
Suggested Delivery:
     individual read, small group read
Electronic Resources:
This is the author's personal website. The specific page for this book has a summary of the story, as well as links to other websites that would be helpful in teaching this and links to lesson plans for teachers.
This is a real life history of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. The article is simple for students to understand, but gives the important details of that day.
Key Vocabulary:
shirtwaist, hod carrier, tenement, scabs, pushcart, peddler

Comprehension Strategies:

Before Reading:
Initiate the lesson by telling students that a new rule has been passed and we will be going to school 6 days each week now. When students react, ask them how that makes them feel. Students will of course object to the new plan. Explain to them that the main character of this book is only 14 and has to work 6 days each week in a factory, sometimes until 8 o'clock at night. Explain that this was a hard period in time for many immigrants in America because they were just settling in here and had to pay rent and such.

During Reading:
Students will read independently and are encourage to look up tough words they don't know. The teacher will circulate during reading time to check on students'. In order to guide reading a bit more, provide a graphic organizer where students can keep track of the characters, and their traits, as well as events in the story.

After Reading:
Students will be asked to read the 'Historical Note' in the back of the book after finishing the story. This section gives historical information about this time period in history. After reading this, students will be asked to write an opinion piece, based on the story and the historical information, about what role they would have played, if any, in the Labor Strikes. Students will be expected to used details from the story and the 'Historical Note.'

Writing Assignment:
The tenement building Angela lives in in the story is seen in a very different light than historically correct. Students will be asked to visit different websites about these living situations and write one journal entry as Angela, simply talking about her apartment and what it was like to live in a tenement building.

Hopkinson, D. (2004). Hear my sorrow: the diary of Angela Denoto, a shirtwaist worker. New York: Scholastic.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Remember: The Journey to School Integration

Remember: The Journey to School Integration
By: Toni Morrison
Published by: Houghton Mifflin Company
Nonfiction, Diverse Literature
2005 Winner of the Coretta Scott King Award
This beautifully told tale of the integration of schools in the United States is a photographic journey of the timeline of events. The story begins with decrepit school houses for colored children only, while white children were going to school in nicer schools. The next step on the journey towards integration was the Supreme Court Decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education. After this important decision was made, the photographs take you through the upheaval throughout the country and the protesting. The story also includes such iconic figures as Ruby Bridges and Martin Luther King Jr. Of course, at the end of the story, all children were in school together and learning amongst one another. Each photograph is accompanied by what the author, Toni Morrison, believed the people were thinking or saying. This gives an interesting perspective for children reading the story and how the story is told. 

Reading Level:
     Grade Level Equivalent: 5.7
     Lexile Level: 660

Suggested Delivery:
     read aloud, independent read, group read

Electronic Resources:
This website would be a great resource for teachers in teaching this book. There are multiple different resources and lessons about the Civil Rights movement, including Brown v. The Board of Education, Martin Luther King Jr., and specific lessons on school integration.
This website also had many resources and lesson plans for teachers about Civil Rights.
This PBS site has games, photos, important people and articles about Civil Rights and other important historical events.

Key Vocabulary:
segregation, integration, Brown v. The Board of Education, Supreme Court, NAACP, Freedom Riders, Ku Klux Klan, Little Rock Nine, Ruby Bridges, Martin Luther King Jr.

Comprehension Strategies:

Before Reading:
This book relies a lot on the photographs to tell the story, so knowing the historical background behind the photographs is important. Give students a brief lesson on some of the vocabulary and historical events they will need to know before reading.

During Reading:
During reading, remind students how important the pictures in books can be. Tell them to look carefully at each picture to see what was going on when it was taken. How would they feel if that were happening to them? Why do they think this is happening? Do they know who some of the important people are in the photographs?

After Reading:
Have the whole class work together to make a list of all the important events that happened in the story. (HINT: there is a timeline in the back of the book) Assign at least two students to each large event and have them write a newscast about the event. They can then present this to the class.

Writing Assignment:
Students can do what Toni Morrison did to write this book with their own photographs. Find photographs of this time period or another important time period for each student. Students will write a story explaining what is happening in their photograph, being sure to use all the important parts of a story.

Morrison, T. (2004). Remember: the journey to school integration. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co..

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Even an Ostrich Needs a Nest: Where Birds Begin

Even an Ostrich Needs a Nest: Where Birds Begin
By: Irene Kelly
 Published by: Holiday House
This short, non-fiction picture book gives the reader insight into the many different kinds of birds and their nests from around the world. Some birds build small, intricate nests out of grasses and spider webs, while other birds, like the Bald Eagle build huge nests that weigh as much as a car. Of course, there are some birds, like the Emperor Penguin who balance it on their feet and cover it with their soft belly to keep it warm. The 32 page beautifully illustrates picture book takes the reader through the many different kinds of birds and their nests, and even has a map of all of the birds from around the world!
Reading Level:
     Age Level: 5 and up
Suggested Delivery:
     Read Aloud
Electronic Resources:
This page has a list of facts about birds for kids. Also, by following other links from this page, students can learn about many other different types of animals as well.
This National Geographic link has many different videos about different kinds of birds around the world. There are videos about different kinds of birds including osprey, eagles, vultures and lovebirds. There is even a video entitled "Egg-Cellent Idea" that would go along very well with this informational story.
Key Vocabulary:
predator, vegetation, Potoo, Blue-Footed Booby, Murre, Atlantic Puffin, Wandering Albatross
Comprehension Strategies:
Before Reading:
Before reading the text aloud, hold up the cover of the book to the class. Ask students what comes to mind when they see the cover and what they think the book will be about. Have students brainstorm their ideas, and write them on the board. After students have brainstormed the different birds or topics they think the book will include, have students help you organize their ideas into categories.

During Reading:
As a class students and the teacher will fill out a discussion web. This type of organizer helps students categorize which facts are important and which are unimportant. Using a large piece of chart paper or the board, make two columns labeled important vs. unimportant. As you read and students hear facts in the story, have them raise their hand when they think something could go in either column.

After Reading:
After reading the story have the class work together to put the facts from the before reading strategy and the during reading strategy. Students can work in pairs to fill in a graphic organizer with all of the appropriate facts. Students need to be sure that the incorrect facts from the before reading strategy are not included in their final product.

Writing Assignment:
Choose a type of bird from the non-fiction text. The student would be responsible for learning 5 new facts about this type of bird, other than its nesting type. The student will write these facts in paragraph form and share with the class.  
Kelly, Irene. Even an ostrich needs a nest: where birds begin. New York: Holiday House, 2009. Print.

Dear Mr. Henshaw

Dear Mr. Henshaw
By: Beverly Cleary
Published by: Scholastic Inc.
NonFiction, Diary/journal, Read-Aloud
The main character Leigh Botts is a young second grade boy who writes to Mr. Henshaw for an assignment in school. When the author writes back with questions for Leigh, his mother insists he answer them, turning his school assignment into a long term pen pal relationship. Through the letters Leigh writes, the reader learns about his parents' divorce, his relationship with his father, his new school and the lunchbox theif. Mr. Henshaw encourages Leigh to start keeping a journal which he does and improves his writing with each entry. Leigh's dream is to become a writer himself one day, so any advice he gets, he takes. The story follows Leigh as he grows up and moves up in grades.
Reading Level:
     Grade Level Equivalent: 4.7
      Lexile Level: 910L
Suggested Delivery:
     Read aloud, guided reading

Electronic Resources:
This is a link to a pdf file with resources for teachers. The file has questions for students, activities for the class and different extension activities.
This site is the world of Beverly Cleary. There are interactive links to all the different characters from her books, including Leigh, as well as links to her books, games and a biography abot Beverly Cleary.

Key Vocabulary:
gondola, partition, forefingers, mimeographed, refinery, insulated

Comprehension Strategies:

Before Reading:
Have a conversationg with students about what a role model is. In this story, Leigh idolizes Mr. Henshaw because he wants to be a writer one day too. Have students volunteer who their role model is and why. Talk about setting goals for what they want to be when they grow up and think of who role models for these careers could be. This would be a good initiation for the story becuase Leigh wants to be a writer like Mr. Henshaw.

During Reading:
As the story is read aloud to the class, remind students that, although it is not explicitly written, Mr. Henshaw is writing back to Leigh. Students can use their inferential comprehension to try to predict what Mr. Henshaw's letters to Leigh might say.

A different part of the story that could be confusing to students is the mention of many different places where Leigh's father travels. As the story is read, have students mark on a U.S. map all the places Leigh mentions in his writing.

After Reading:
Have students write about their own role model. Students can write a letter to this role model asking for advice for their future career. Somewhat like the project Leigh had to complete in the story, students can write to this person asking for advice, then writing a report about this person and their influence on their life.

Writing Assignment:
As technology keeps advancing, the use of 'snail mail' seems to be falling by the wayside. As an extended writing assignment, set students up with pen pals from another class, another town or a class from across the country. Students will get constant practice with basic writing conventions and will always have something to look forward to!

Cleary, Beverly, and Paul O. Zelinsky. Dear Mr. Henshaw. New York: Morrow, 1983. Print.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thunder from the Sea: Adventure On Board the HMS Defender

Thunder from the Sea: Adventure On Board the HMS Defender
By: Jeff Weigel
Published by: G.P. Putnam's Son
Graphic Novel, Historical Fiction

Jack Hoynton is only a boy when he enlists in the Royal Navy and is assigned to the HMS Defender during the Napoleonic Wars. The ship is assigned to blockade a French port to keep the French from invading England.
On the ship, Jack has trouble with the tough work at first, but is taken under the wing of a sailor Hewitt. When the men run out of drinking water on the ship, they go ashore to find more, but are attacked by French troops and have to retreat to the boat. Jack's friend Hewitt gets left behind on shore and makes a deal with the French. He tells his fellow British sailors to come ashore to attack, but when they get there the French are waiting to attack them too! When they all get put in jail, Jack makes it his duty to escape from the jail and save his mates.
Reading Level:
     Grade Level: 2 and up
Suggested Delivery:
     Individual Read, Small Group Read
Electronic Resources:
This is the official website for the author of the story. There are many different links on the page to his other books, his artwork and a bio about him.
This site gives a brief overview of the Napoleonic Wars for children, including the different countries involved and what caused them.
This wikipedia page gives a full glossary of Nautical terms used in the book. Teachers or students can use this as a reference when reading the story.
Key Vocabulary:
Napoleonic Wars, Frigate, bosun, The Maritime Society, oakum, yardarm, shrouds, grog, starboard, schooner

Comprehension Strategies:

Before Reading:
Before reading the story, students will need some background information about the historical context of the story. A quick history lesson about the Napoleonic Wars would be advantageous to students. This website gives a brief biography of Napolen Bonaparte and his rule. Students need to understand his rule and the reasons behind the wars in order to understand the historical content in the story.

During Reading:
Have students stop at points during the story to predict what will happen next. Students can write their prediction in a reader's journal or use a graphic organizer to organize their thoughts. There are many different points in the story where the tension rises and falls. Teachers can utilize these points to stop students in their reading to practice their comprehension skills in predicting.

After Reading:
After finishing the story, students can complete a writing assignment in which they change the story. Students must change an important turning point in the story and predict what would have happened next due to their change. What if Hewitt didn't get left on the island? What if Jack didn't escape the jail?

Writing Assignment:
The main character of the story is twelve years old, a close age to elementary students. Elementary students in the United States would not have similar experiences to Jack. For this reason, writing a journal entry from Jack's point of view would be a very different writing experience. Students would need to include nautical vocabulary and specific details from the story in their journals.

Weigel, Jeff. Thunder from the sea: adventure on board the HMS Defender. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2010. Print.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bud Not Buddy

Bud Not Buddy
By: Christopher Paul Curtis
Published by: Delacorte Press
2000 Newberry Medal Winner
Bud Not Buddy is the story of a young orphan boy growing up in the Great Depression. Bud lives in an orphanage and then is moved to a foster home where he is forced to sleep in a shed. Bud escapes from the foster home and begins his journey to find Herman E. Calloway, the man who he believes is his father. Mr. Calloway is a traveling musician who Bud has flyers about. Along his journey he meets many people and even stays in a Hooverville. When he finds Herman E. Calloway, Mr. Calloway is a bit stand offish with a child claiming to be his son. But Bud and Mr. Calloway soon find out that he is not his son at all, but something more!

Reading Level:
     Grade Level Equivalent: 5.2
     Lexile Level: 950L

Suggested Delivery:
     Small Group Read, Individual Read

Electronic Resources:
This site leads you to a literature and activity guide for teachers before taking their students to a theater version of the book. The guide includes activities about the Great Depression and different writing and classa activities.
This is a site from the publisher about the author, Christopher Paul Curtis. His bio and other works are included on the page.
This is a jeopardy game on chapters 1-7 of the book. Multiple teams can play at one time.

Key Vocabulary:
ilk, knickers, alias, copacetic, brute, ingratitude

Comprehension Strategies:

Before Reading:
Before reading the book, give students a short lesson on the Great Depression and how tough life was during the time in the story. This site includes different web pages about the depression for kids and also has links to games students can play to learn about the Great Depression.

During Reading:
There are a lot of different characters and places to keep track of throughout the story. Give students a graphic organizer with sections to keep track of what they're reading. Being able to look back and see everything written down and laid out will help students remember and understand.

After Reading:
Have students make a timeline of all the places Bud went and the people he met along the way. This will help students to understand the time in history it took place and will complete the comprehension process in the end.

Writing Activity:
Rather than writing a typical essay about the book, students can write a letter to the author asking him about the book. Students will be required to include certain things in their letter and will be graded using a corresponding rubric.

Curtis, Christopher Paul. Bud, not Buddy. New York: Delacorte Press, 1999. Print.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Exploding Gravy: Poems to Make You Laugh

Exploding Gravy: Poems to Make You Laugh
By: X.J. Kennedy
Illustrated by: Joy Allen
Published by: Little, Brown and Company
Poetry Collection
X.J. Kennedy's poems have appeared in many different poetry anthologies and textbooks for years and have also been highligted on the Today Show and Good Morning America. So it is not a surprise that the winner of the Award for Excellence in Children's Poetry strikes again. In Exploding Gravy, X.J. Kennedy writes hilarious poems about crazy families and silly monsters. There are poems about shoelaces, and cabbage slaw, woolly mammoths and electric eels, and of course, Exploding Gravy!

Reading Level:
     Grade Level Equivalent: 4.2

Suggested Delivery:
     Read Aloud, Individual Read

Electronic Resources:
This is a biography on the author, X.J. Kennedy.
This site gives teachers some resources for teaching poetry. The Scholastic site specifically is referring to April as National Poetry Month, but the ideas from this site could be used any time of year.

Key Vocabulary:
imagery, rhyme, rhythm, simile, hyperbole, metaphor

Comprehension Strategies:

Before Reading:
Talk to students about what they think poetry is. Most students will probably say that is has to rhyme and the topics are serious. Explain to them that this is not always the case and that the poet X.J. Kennedy write funny poems, that don't always rhyme. Use the biography website to give students some background on the poet before reading.

During Reading:
As there are many different poems in the book, choose one or two to read aloud to the class. Many poems would be fitting to different times of year or could be linked to differen lessons. Have students listen carefully to the poem read aloud and have them try to picture the poem in their minds. X.J. Kennedy's poems have great imagery.

After Reading:
Have students draw a picture of what they imagined the poem to look like. Students can then share their pictures with the class. Using a venn diagram, students can compare and contrast each others drawings and put the different components into the sections of the venn diagram.

Writing Activity:
X.J. Kennedy's poems have great imagery, so students can write their own poems, making an image in their reader's head. Have students choose out of a bag a random object that they have to write a poem about. Before students begin writing, create a poem template that they will fill in to describe their object. In the poem, however, students will not reveal what their object was because the other students in the class will have to try to guess it using the imagery.

Kennedy, X. J., and Joy Allen. Exploding gravy: poems to
make you laugh. Boston: Little, Brown, 2002. Print.